

Hostel provides a safe, secure and low budget accommodation for the students coming from different places. Here, they can study and stay in a protected and healthy social environment. Also, they can interact and study with the students of similar course which gives them encouragement to work hard to compete with their peers. Student can study in peace and solitude. They are constantly under the watchful eyes of the wardens and the guards.


Girls  No. of Seats  Boys  No. of Seats
Amrita  140  Ashoka  056
Kaveri  099  Shravan  049
Laxmibai  095  Siddhartha  072
Sindhu  013  Vivekanand  144



1. Single room (AC)                      2. Twin sharing room (AC)

3. Single room (Cooler)               4. Twin sharing (Cooler)

Monthly Charges Includes

1. Fooding, Lodging and Transport              2. 24 × 7 power backup

3. 24 × 7 wardens (Male/Female)                 4. 24 × 7 security guard   

5.  Laundry                                                       6. R.O. filtered water

7. CCTV camera                                               8. Furniture (Bed, Table, Chair, Almirah) 

9. Hot water facility in winters                     10. Counselling by professional counselors

Recreational Activities

1. Yoga Classes                                               2. Table Tennis

3. Carrom Board




1. Medical                                               2. Canteen

3. Daily utility items                                4. Fruits



1. Bedding (Mattress, Bed sheets, Pillow, Pillow covers)          2. Toiletries (Bucket and Mug)

3. Table lamp                                                                                   4. Yoga mat

5. Slippers                                                                                        6. Basic utensils

7. Stationary                                                                                     8. Mosquito repellent

9. NCERT Books                                                                              10. Lock & key

11. Sports shoes (two pairs)                                                         12. Hangers

13. Casual (3-4 pairs)



  •  Strict discipline and decorum is to be maintained in the hostel.
  • Outing without parent’s written permission is not allowed.
  • Android mobile phones and phones with recording and camera are strictly prohibited.
  • Electrical appliances are not to be used in the Hostel premises, i.e. Electric Kettle, Iron, Heater.
  • Students are not permitted to go out. They can request to the Hostel Incharge for the purchase of personal items, latest by 8.30 am.
  • Shouting, speaking loudly, and listening to music loudly are not permitted.
  • Switch off lights, fans, and coolers when not in use, if found guilty, a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- will be imposed.
  • Mobile phone usage timings (7.30 pm to 9.00 pm). Use of smart-phone and internet connections are prohibited, if found mobile phones will be confiscated.
  • In sharing a room, a choice of room is allowed till another partner is available.
  • Outside food, can be ordered only on Wednesday by informing the Hostel Incharge latest by 5 pm.
  • The student is not allowed to change the allotted room without permission.
  • Attendance of the hostler in the classroom is mandatory.
  • For security purposes, frisking of carry-bags/bags/packages (incoming material) will be carried out.
  • Physical checks/searches of rooms and common areas will also be carried out at any time at the sole discretion of the Hostel authorities.
  • Parents/Visitors are requested to co-operate with us for keeping the hostel safe for their wards.
  • Burning of crackers/explosives is strictly prohibited.

Payment of Hostel Fees

1. Students have to pay monthly charges of Hostel before 5th of every month positively. Late fee Rs. 50/- per day will

    be charged after 5th of that month.

2. Rent of one month + Rs. 15,000/- will be deposited in advance.

3. One month written notice to be handed over to Hostel Incharge in advance before leaving the Hostel.

4. Without written notice, deposited amount will not be refunded or adjusted in any case.

5. Last rent payable, will be adjusted from advance deposit, with prior notice.

6. Charges for any wear and tear of the room will be adjusted from the advance deposit.

Visiting Days & Timings

Saturday and Sunday (11.00 am - 1.00 pm), 3.00 pm to 6.30 pm

How to enroll for Hostel?

You are required to fill Hostel admission form and deposit Rs. 5,000/-

Note: Hostel booking amount of Rs. 5,000/- will be valid for one week after batch commencement, following which booking will be cancelled and booking amount will not be refunded or adjusted in any case.

Special Notes

1. The seats in Hostel are limited, so they will be allotted on first come first basis.

2. One passport size photograph of parents and local guardians to be submitted at the time of admission.

3. Hostel will remain closed during Diwali vacations. All parents / local guardians are requested to take their wards from the hostel during the break.

4. Hostel authorities reserve the right to admit a student or to further retain the students in hostel.

5. To utilize the full capacity of the room, student has to pay the cost of both the seats excluding food charges.

6. Parents can stay in the hostel on chargeable basis i.e. Rs. 500/- per day along with the child with the permission of Hostel Incharge.

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